Tuesday 31 May 2011

English Homework

I asked the children to write in their journals what would be their dream last two months in St Catherine's. 25 out of 30 said less or no homework (next year will be quite a shock kids!). Some of the teachers had been discussing homework earlier in the year. Why we give it, what we expect, why it sometimes seems to be torture for children, parents and teachers. Mr O Se gave us an extract from a book on homework and how you get much better results from children if they have some choice in what they do. So, last Tuesday and Wednesday I asked everyone to write whatever they wanted for English homework and to spend 20 minutes on it. While one or two people were a little on the minimalist side, for the vast majority the results were much better than a traditional assignment. Most people spent more than 20 minutes and in five cases the works produced were a family affair with collaboration from grandmothers, confirmation sponsors, aunts and parents. The genres were quite diverse too. We had poems (Limericks, acrostic poems, lyric verse and free verse), memoirs, a moving obituary, short stories, descriptive pieces and book reviews. We'll start with some poetry samples for you!

Find Someone Else
Age of six
He loved her so
And everyday
He'd let her know

'I love you Grace'
He'd say each day
She just laughed
And ran away

Till one day
She turned around
And sat with him
On the playground

'I'm sorry Chris
I don't love you
You'll find someone
Who loves you too'

High school came
They met again
They laughed about
The things back then

They began to date
And fell in love
He got the girl
That he dreamed of

But when college came
Everything changed
They were far apart
With lives rearranged

'We'll be fine Grace'
But she had doubts
She turned and said
'It won't work out'

I'm sorry Chris
I can't love you
You'll find someone 
Who loves you too'

In their twenties 
They met again
They laughed about
The things back then

He took her hand 
They began to dance
Their old lives

Two years later 
She became his wife
They'd be together
All their lives

They went on a drive
When it was no longer light
They drove down the road
Of starry night

The music came on 
She started to sing
He whispered 'Grace
You're my everything'

But suddenly
One big flash
Headlights shone
As their car crashed

He saw her laying 
Down on the ground
He felt his tears
Start rolling down

'Grace' he cried
She took his hand
'I have to leave'
Please understand

'I love you so much
It's always been true
But you'll find someone else
And you'll love again too'

'No' he cried 
'It's always been you
I don't want someone 
Else I only want you'

And there on the street
Is where he cried
Hugging his love
As she slowly died.

By Kaitlin



By Gavin 

Alphabet Poem

Bananas are nice
Coconuts are hairy
Dogs are friends
Eel is a fish
Fish and chips
Golden fish
Jim Jim is liam's puppet
Killbarck is a town
Luxemburg is a country
Owen is a football player
Manchester is a city
Norweigan people are funny
People are people
Qatar is a country
Rosenburg is a football team
U13 winners
Very important 
Zebra is black and white

By Adrian

Back to School

It's the end of summer
And that's really a bummer
We're back in school
And that's not cool
But it's like i'm getting dumber
My teacher is a witch
That makes me want to mitch
My friends at school all think the same
And there is only one person to blame

By Padraic

Barn Owl
Silent as moonlight,
Snowy white hunter,
Waits in a high branch,
Hungry as winter.

Still as a north star,
Patiently watching,
Eyes black as nightfall,
Claws curved and clutching.

Fast as an arrow,
Shot from a quiver,
Back in the treetops,
Blood on white feathers.

Silent as moonlight,
Snowy white hunter,
Waits in a high branch,
Hungry as Winter.

by Stephen

My life story 

I licked a lolly 
Played with my dolly 
That was when I was three 

At the age of four 
I was allowed do more 
And became more trustworthy 

When I was five 
I felt alive 
Riding my new bike 

When I was six 
I didn't want to fix 
Anything about me 

When I was seven 
I was four from eleven 
And I dreamt of it everyday 

When I was eight 
I was never late 
For school or anything else 

When I was nine 
I thought I was fine 
Just the way I was 

When I was ten 
My Grandad built me a den 
And I called it ' It's mine don't touch'

Well now I'm eleven 
Thank God I'm not seven 
I just wanna be twelve now 

I'm growing up fast
Letting go of my past 
And that is my life story 
Starting from when I was three . 

By Elanna

babysitters mind me,
when i'm nearly thirteen ,
i don't get why ,
no point because i'm really shy,
i wish i could stay on my own,
and pretend dad's chair is my throne ,
mam and dad dont get the point ,
i'm hardly gonna have a pint ,

     ~ 3 years later ~
Finally no babysitter ,
As i'm now sixteen ,
Mam and dad are less mean , 
Now i'm no longer am i blue and green .

by Amy

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Preparation for Confirmation

We have been busy preparing for Confirmation next Saturday. It is all beginning to come together. You can see us creating artwork for the church and the (almost) finished products.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Fingal Athletics League Final

Ten boys and girls from our class took part in the Finals of the League in Morton Stadium, Santry yesterday. The final combined the Swords and Blanchardstown Athletics Leagues in a one day event. Having run in ice, wind, rain, snow and sleet at the cross-country events throughout the year, it was a pleasure to run on the track in sunshine.

I have huge respect for the improvements made by all 45 children from St Catherine's from 3rd to 6th class. I have watched the good runners get better and better and the boys and girls who struggled around a 400m course in October, comfortably finish a 1,000m race in March. It was truly humbling at times to see the sheer effort and desire to do their best that was evident. They inspired me to try a little harder on my Sunday morning run around Ard Gillan.

Sport does not build character. It reveals it. 
Haywook Hale Broun
 Gavin and Michael hold strong in the front pack on the home straight of the 800m course.
 Gavin gives an amazing sprint at the end to win 2nd place.
 Amy in full stride.
 Kaitlin holding her position on the second lap.
 Did Adrian catch him? Of course he did! 
 Cian giving his usual 110% never quitting until the finish line!
 Well, some of us are just here for a chat....
Ah, now they're awake!

Aleksandra's new spikes work their magic!

Fruit Friday & Try It Tuesday

Signs for Garden

We made signs for the trees and herbs in the garden from old tiles and slates. They were painted and then glazed.
Zach and Josh M made this sign for our vegetable plot. Look out for it!