Wednesday 22 February 2012

Book Week - Bilingual Readings

As part of our Book Week activities, we have had bilingual readings in English and six of the other languages spoken by families from our school. By the end of the week each class from Junior Infants to 2nd will have heard a story read in Romanian, Latvian, Russian, Polish, Urdu and Yoruba by a native speaker and read simultaneously in English by an English speaking parent or teacher.  Here are some pictures of the readings. 

Gabriela Groapa and Ruth Kilgarrif read 'Fox Fables' in Romanian and English for Ms Archer's Jr Infants. 
Anna Kozar and I read 'The Little Red Hen' in Russian and English for Ms Bates' Sr Infants

Ivita and Aniers Armentina read a story in Latvian with Natasza Barry for Ms Giblin's Jr Infants.
Anna brought Russian dolls and traditional toys for the children to hold and play with.

Iqbal Shahid and I read 'Mei-Ling's Hiccups' in Urdu, the main language of Pakistan. Ms Deery's class noticed that Urdu is read from right to left and English is read from left to right. They can also count to 5 in Urdu!

Mrs Shahid told us about her clothes from Pakistan. She told us her nose ring is like a wedding ring.
Our wonderful 6th class girls Natalia and Izabela read 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' in Polish. Ms Murphy read the story in English.
Another great linguist from 5th class, Wasilat, read 'Grandmother's Soup' in Yoruba (one of the main languages in Nigera) with Ms Carrig.

Thank you to all our readers and all the children who took part and were such great listeners! We will have more bilingual readings on Thursday.

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