Monday 30 January 2012

Spanish Club

Spanish club started today.  

Third and fourth class worked with Begoňa in Room 4. 

  Fifth and sixth class worked with Lucía in Room 11. 

¡Pásaroslo bien!

Jr Infants: The Gruffalo

The Gruffalo

His eyes are orange
His tongue is black
He has purple prickles all over his back.

'Oh help! Oh no! It's a gruffalo!'
the mouse

the snake

the mouse and the fox

the mouse and the owl

Friday 27 January 2012

Welcome to our Spanish Teachers!

I have the pleasure of coordinating the stay of two wonderful trainee teachers from Cordoba, Spain who are with us at present as part of a European Project. They introduce themselves below. I would like to extend a warm welcome to them both. They have been such a nice addition to our school this week.

Hello everyone!
My name is Lucía, I am twenty years old and I come from Spain. For the next five weeks, I will be in St Catherine’s School doing my teacher training for the university. As this is the last year of my degree, I look forward getting some experience in your school. I can see that it will not be difficult at all, we have already been welcomed with open arms and I am really glad about it. I hope you will enjoy our time here as much as we are sure we will ourselves.
Thank you for everything!

Hello to everyone!
My name is Begoña, I´m from the south of Spain. I have chosen to do my teaching practice here in Ireland because this year, hopefully, I will finish my degree and I will become an English Teacher in Spain.  So what better place to do my training than here? I really like St. Catherine's school because all the teachers are extraordinary and also the children are fantastic. I´m really enjoying my time here and I hope to learn a lot from all the teachers and from the children too. It is a wonderful opportunity!