Friday 27 January 2012

Welcome to our Spanish Teachers!

I have the pleasure of coordinating the stay of two wonderful trainee teachers from Cordoba, Spain who are with us at present as part of a European Project. They introduce themselves below. I would like to extend a warm welcome to them both. They have been such a nice addition to our school this week.

Hello everyone!
My name is Lucía, I am twenty years old and I come from Spain. For the next five weeks, I will be in St Catherine’s School doing my teacher training for the university. As this is the last year of my degree, I look forward getting some experience in your school. I can see that it will not be difficult at all, we have already been welcomed with open arms and I am really glad about it. I hope you will enjoy our time here as much as we are sure we will ourselves.
Thank you for everything!

Hello to everyone!
My name is Begoña, I´m from the south of Spain. I have chosen to do my teaching practice here in Ireland because this year, hopefully, I will finish my degree and I will become an English Teacher in Spain.  So what better place to do my training than here? I really like St. Catherine's school because all the teachers are extraordinary and also the children are fantastic. I´m really enjoying my time here and I hope to learn a lot from all the teachers and from the children too. It is a wonderful opportunity!  

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