Friday 11 March 2011

Cross-Country, Soccer, Gaelic and Hurling

We are a very fit and sporty class. Please see below a little information on recent sporting events:

Cross-Country Race

Our class took part in the cross country league  race in Swords yesterday. 6th class ran a 1,000 m race against the other schools in this area of Fingal (e.g. Holy Family, Swords Educate Together, Hedgestown, St Treasa's, Loughshinny, Garritstown). Adrian came 1st (for the third time in a row). Gavin came second, Stephen came in 8th. Everyone else finished middle of the field. Well done Amy doing her first cross-country race at such a long distance.
By Cian M


We played a Gaelic match last Tuesday in St Maur's against Balscaddan. We lost by only a few points. It was a close match and Mr O'Se came to watch the Gaelic team. Adrian, Cian S and me scored. Mr McGrath said we played the best we ever had. Ms Mc Dermott said we have to keep fighting back and try to win the ball as much as possible but besides all that we played great. It's just that they got the better of us. Next time we won't make that mistake again!
by Michael


On Wednesday 9th March we played a soccer match in the Phoenix Park. We played against the team that won the league last year, St Patrick's. We beat them by an amazing 13-1. Adrian scored four goals, Gavin scored three goals, Ryan from Ms Mc Dermott's class scored two goals and I got two goals. Liam and Stephen got a goal each.  Ms Dennis told us to score as many goals as we can because we were one point behind on goal difference - and we did!
by Cian S

We played a hurling match last Monday in St Maur's. The first half was mainly played in our field. The second half, we came out and played as a team. We played Belgrove. We lost unfortunately but we had a great time.
by Padraig 


  1. What a sporting week you all had. Well done Adrian on coming 1st in the Cross Country Race. With so many goals, all i can say is well done to you all. You did yourselves and your school very proud. Diane.
