Saturday 12 March 2011

Visit to St Joseph's Musical

The plot summary below was written by Joshua R. I thought it was great and worth sharing with you all. It was lovely to see past pupils there including the star of the show, Daniel, who is Liam's brother.

St Joseph's Trip
On the 9th of March 2011 our class went to St Joseph's secondary school to see a play. A few previous students from St Catherine's were starring in the play which was called Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.

The play was more a musical about Joseph. Jacob is Joseph's Dad and Joseph has eleven other brothers but Jacob likes Joseph the most and his brothers become jealous of him. They sell him as a slave to the Egyptians.

The Pharaoh likes Joseph and Joseph likes him but the Pharaoh's wife also likes Joseph and forces him to sleep with her. Then the Pharaoh heard them and imprisoned Joseph. However, Joseph can interpret dreams and after a while the Pharaoh needs Joseph's help to tell his dreams.

Then  Joseph becomes the Pharaoh's second man. Joseph's brothers come in search of food but they don't recognise Joseph. The ask for food and Joseph gives it to them but he forces one of them to steal his golden cup and sends this brother to jail. When the other brothers beg for mercy for him he sees that they have changed and he tells them he is actually Joseph.

Joseph's father Jacob comes and brings Joseph's magical coloured coat. And they live happily ever after.

by Joshua R

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