Wednesday 8 June 2011

Bloom Videos

Bloom is a festival which takes place in the Phoenix Park in Dublin each year. It has different sections telling you about flowers, fruit, and vegetables. Bloom also has information about nature as well. There are different people to tell you about all the different things going on. 

Our class went to Bloom on Friday 3rd June 2011 and our day started like this...First we went on Gary's bus and headed off. We arrived just after 11 and we met a man from Australia and RTE called Dale Treadwell. He gave us a talk about nature and he also gave us bug viewers through which we saw lots of different bugs. After, we were split into groups and went off and looked at all the gardens that people had made. My favourites were the Chinese garden and the Alice in Wonderland garden.

Later we joined up with everyone and had lunch. After that we went to GIY (grow it yourself) and we got a pot and planted a vegetable of our own. Next we went to the incredible edibles and saw a cow being milked by machine. After that full day we got back on the bus and returned to Rush.

by Seán

On Friday 3rd June 6th class went to Bloom in the Phoenix Park. I liked it because I love gardens and flowers. My favourite garden was the Alice in Wonderland garden because I love Alice in Wonderland and because of the way the trees were shaped. My favourite part of Bloom was the playground, the incredible edibles tour and the smoothies. We also saw a cow being milked with a machine. It was a lovely day for Bloom and I really enjoyed it.

by Anne-Marie

First of all we went to Dale Treadwell 'Life in the Back Garden' and he told us stores and showed us insects and a hedgehog. Then we were split into groups. Our group went over to a woman who gave us a quiz on dinosaurs. Up further there was a man with two snakes and we were allowed to touch them. After that there was a film about dinosaurs and artificial dinosaurs to touch. Then we all had a picnic together and we played chasing. After that we had a little tour around the gardens and we saw Ms Wynne!

by Patryk

After the talk by Dale Treadwell we went to the Dinosaur Petting area. There were two snakes one was red and orange and the other one was green, brown and black, white and dark brown. It was around a metre long. Then we went into an organic garden and tasted some strawberries. Then we got together and ate our lunch. After that we went into the gardens. The best one was the one with the sitting room and the water all around it. After that we went to plant vegetables and then we went to make smoothies.  It was really cool.

by Krystian

Bloom was an interactive nature-filled day out. With the weather being the hottest in a while, walking around the stalls and stands made the tourists and schools swarm around the busy event in the Phoenix Park. Everyone was sweating and happy. Our bus arrived into this busy atmosphere and we began learning straight away. We walked around and learned a lot before our tour guide showed us how to make a simple and healthy smoothie and taught us about the production of cows and dairy. Overall it was a busy and educational day and deserved all the media attention it got.

by Saoirse

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