Wednesday 22 June 2011

Celebration Day

On Friday 10th June our school had a celebration day to mark our many achievements this year. We

  • won two soccer tournaments
  • achieved our Green Flag for Transport
  • won the Excellence in Primary Science Awards
  • launched our website
  • received the Creative Schools Award and 
  • officially opened our Seomra Glas, the outdoor classroom we were awarded for being in the top five schools nationally to win Biodiverse School Garden 2010.  

Our class showed the parents why we achieved this national prize for biodiversity by leading tours around the school grounds. We would like to extend a special thanks to school horticulturalist, Mary Ryan, for her tireless work which enabled us to win this amazing award.

The winning soccer team!

Roisin shows our class vegetable plots

Luke and Roisin show our wildflowers

Luke shows the planter we won for our participation in the Incredible Edibles Programme

Our birdbox with webcam

Elanna shows our hibernation habitat

Elanna talks about our pond with tadpoles

Our compost area

Our class show the parents the kinds of activities we do in the outdoor classroom.

Adrian recites a nature poem

Parents and grandparents look at our wasp's nest

Parents emerging from our woodland walk

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