Friday 24 May 2013

Fingal Athletics Finals

St Catherine's Running Team competed in our final races of the season on Tuesday 21st May. The Fingal Schools Finals were part of Africa Week Atheltics at Morton Stadium in Santry. All of the children ran well, some achieving their own personal goals of completing the course and others bringing home silver and gold. As always, I was so proud of how the children behaved during all of the races this year, how the encouraged each other and how they showed their grit and courage through some very tough racing conditions.

'Sport does not build character, it reveals it.'  Haywood Hale Broun

We were lucky enough to meet the guest of honour, Wilfred Bungei from Kenya, the 800m gold medal winner from the Beijing 2008 Olympic games

A special thanks to all the parents who came with us to all the races this year. We could not have done any of it without your support.

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