Friday 24 May 2013

First Class Poetry

Today Ms Carrig, Mrs Quinn and I finished our six weeks working with the first class children from Ms Dennis' class for Literacy Power Hour. I  focussed on the Oral Language Curricular objectives for poetry enabling the children to:
  • Listen to, read, learn and recite a varied and appropriate repertoire of rhymes and poems
  • Listen to and say nonsense words and unusual words
  • Listen to, read, learn and recite more sophisticated nonsense verse and rhymes
I read a selection of poems to each group and the children selected the ones they liked and glued them into their personal poetry anthologies. Then they they learned a new poem or a section of a poem each night. Those who liked a challenge went for the bronze, silver and gold awards. These are for challenging poems which require sustained effort over a number of nights to learn. Please Mrs Butler is a favourite for bronze, The Ning Nang Nong for silver and The ABC poem for gold.

Many thanks to all the parents who supported us by working on the poems and reading every night.

Here are some pictures of the children holding up the poems they are most proud of learning.

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